воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bordeauxska doga

itapos;s so hard to decide which DOLL.
but i think iapos;ve finally decided.
crobidolls yeon-ho.

heapos;ll be perfect for Zay, gorgeous white/silver hair, light violet eyes...
ahhh :333. I hope heapos;s pale enough. He better be.
if heapos;s more pink than white iapos;ll be pissed.
and he better not be yellow at all.
i just want a nice.. White/cream skin.
iapos;d rather perfer if he was just plain old white tbh.

and then a dreaming doll boy body.
all in all, i think itapos;s.. H/o.
-works out-

kill me now plz.
bordeauxska doga, bordeax, bordeax airport.

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